A visit to the Vets - Kod veterinara
Our latest cat "addition", Mimša, has been to the vets as she’s been off her food recently
Hello and welcome to another multi-media newsletter from Čardačani.
If you know of anyone (friends, family or maybe someone who has a connection to Bosnia and Herzegovina) then please considering sharing this newsletter?
If you’re reading this for the first time, enjoy, and if you would like to support us, then maybe you can Buy Me a Coffee?
Tamara and I appreciate your faithful readership, your comments, and your generosity!
Our Weather.
A quick round up from the village.
It’s been pouring with rain these past few days and it shows no sign of giving up. The nights are decidedly more chilly now, so we’ve brought back our more “cosy” duvets into the bedroom. The sunrise is later, and less impressive, as that has been replaced by overcast and grey skies.
Talking about chilly weather, we have started using the wood burner again.
But in all honesty we can’t complain, as this summer was super roasty. By the Way, why is it that we humans never seemed satisfied whatever the weather we get?
We had hoped to tell you about how Banja Luka Trappist Cheese and Beer is produced, but sadly on arrival at the farm where this now happens, everything was closed due to a funeral, so something for a future newsletter.
We did go mural hunting in Gradiška.
These super works of art are by Nataša Konjević.
I’ll be catching up with Nataša to find out more about how she creates these huge pictures on a future podcast.
In the meantime you can see more on her Instagram account.
She is also on Facebook.
Below is a short “Gradiška in 30 Seconds”
Kitchen Adventures.
Tamara has also been busy in our kitchen and has come up with a recipe for making your own Oat Milk.
Kozarska Dubica.
Visiting Kozarska Dubica in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
It’s the very first time that I have actually visited this quaint town located on the banks of the River Una in the north of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Tamara has told be about this town so much in the past.
So, on a whim, we drove off to visit.
We shot some video to share with you, and, we’re still experimenting with a different, more relaxed and raw feel for our videos.
What do you think?
There’s a super gallery of images too on our Blog. Check it out.
Our Latest Podcast.
We released this Podcast on Wednesday.
Hvala Puno to Mickey, Tony, Louise and Martin for liking and commenting ☺️
If you missed it, why not listen now and any suggestions or comments regarding the podcast would be so appreciated. 😉
Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Nobel Lauriette.
To my eternal shame, I still have to finish two of the books anyone interested in Bosnia and Herzegovina should read.
They are “The Bridge on the Drina” and “Bosnian Chronicle”.
They are both a MUST read.
I am going to make myself accountable here, and finish both by Christmas.
This Weeks Favourite.
Music from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
And Finally.
That's our update from our village here in the north of Bosnia and Herzegovina for this week.
We hope you'll continue to follow our adventures, and to engage with questions and comments.
We are always so excited when we receive them.
PLEASE, do stay safe wherever you are.
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Oh i so hope mimsa is feeling better, now i see why you use that music piece, its brilliant, no one here in UK except my Consultant who is Greek, can understand that emotion, perfect description.