Announcing a few changes on the Blog 🥂
How we are opening up how you can get the information you are interested in.
Hello and welcome to this edition of our Blog, from Čardačani, in the north of Bosnia and Herzegovina, written by an immigrant (me), as I am neither a tourist or a citizen here.
Background to Our Blog.
Back over a year and a half ago, we launched our blog with weekly posts every Friday and an additional post on Tuesday.
The aim was to have a “Bosnia Update” on the Friday and maybe something more specialised on the Tuesday, in the form of a vlog or podcast.
As we developed, we brought “Tabs” into the navigation side of the blog.
These allowed us to compartmentalise information and posts by topics. Our aim here was to provide some semblance of “search” as well as allowing you to go directly to an area of interest for you.
This has worked as far as the current substack structure allows.
However, all posts are sent to all subscribers, and we feel that we should offer a more detailed way of sending you content that you are most interested in, rather than “blanket bursts”. We also don’t want you to feel “spammed”.
New BlogPost, Vlog, Podcast, Distribution Plan.
We have minimised the tabs in the navigation menu down to 5 + Archive.
Going forward, the Weekly Post will be still be sent out to all readers as before, on a Friday.
Each of the other Tabs, (Podcast, Banja Luka Blog, Postcard from Bosnia (Vlog) and Bosnia General), will have their own distribution lists. This means that if you are just interested in Banja Luka content for example, all you need to do is join that list. Each time there’s an addition then you’ll get that update to read.
I have “reset” each tab so that you won’t receive what you’re not interested in.
Hope this made sense?
Supporting the Blog
With what a Global cost of living crises affecting all of us, the focus on available funds should be focussed on things like heating, food, education etc.
However, this blog requires financial expenditure to keep it going.
Up until now we have relied on a subscription basis.
Thanks to those that have become subscribers!
For the foreseeable future, we are going to suspend further promotion for subscriptions and rely instead on occasional support through Buy Me a Coffee.
A good many readers do this already and for that we are eternally grateful 👍
Hopefully “Pay as You Feel” will help you help us 😀
Something from this Week here in the Village.
And Finally
A very much different post for this Friday. Normal service will resume next week and there will be a usual Tuesday post as well, but what that is will depend on your choices of which tab to sign up to.
If you want to read back editions of the newsletter, listen to previous podcasts (we have quite an archive now), or catch other content, all this is available on the web interface, just like a regular blog.
Oh, and please share the newsletter with friends, relatives and colleagues using the button below.
Tamara and I appreciate your faithful readership, your comments, and your generosity!