Getting Vaccinated Against COVID-19
Yesterday we got a call that I was on the list for COVID vaccination.
It's been a sleety, quite miserable day weatherwise, here in Banja Luka.
Yesterday we got a call that I was on the list for COVID vaccination.
Would I accept Astrazenica? If so, I could be vaccinated tomorrow (Tuesday 6 April) at 1030.
No Brainer.
Sputnik V, Pfizer, Moderne, Sinovac, whatever. A vaccine is a vaccine.
So at 1000, I arrived at the Banja Luka vaccination centre.
The whole process from reception, through administration, seeing the doctor, being vaccinated to the short pause period post vaccination, was amazingly organised.
The level of professionalism was outstanding. Extremely reassuring.
I asked to take some images to document this event, but sadly that was refused. The doctor did however, say it was OK while I was with her.
Why, in this day and age, do governments and institutions still hang onto this control mentality?
Surely, the more people see and read about success stories the better it is?
Just an observation #justsaying
Without getting political, vaccines are a great step forward for humanity. Vaccines have saved more lives than those lost through various diseases and epidemics/pandemics. That's not disinformation, that's simple fact.
The vaccination by the way was at no cost to me, in other words, FREE
I am so glad I am vaccinated. I am also glad that my adopted home, has allowed me to get vaccinated here.
All in all, today has been a good day.
Even with this shite weather 🥺 we have had today.
I'm in bed as I write.
30 hours into my Astrazenica vaccination.
Feeling lethargic, a bit of a light head ache and a slight rise in temperature 🌡️ earlier.
Nothing to worry about. Everything going as forecast.
Thursday was a bit of a meh day to be honest, just feeling well, SHIT.
Friday was headache day. Started mild and intensived during the day and early evening. I just had to play the hard man didn’t I?
Well, in the end around 2000 I gave in and took Paracetemol.
I slept almost instantly, and woke in the morning pain free.
Saturday. I spent the day totally fine, but waiting for more symptoms. Non.
I write this on Day 6, Sunday, and nothing. So hopefully my body is working to build whatever defence it needs to.
Still Happy I did this!