Time for Seasonal Tasks in the Village.
As the Autumn really gets established with chillier temperatures and wet weather, most of our neighbours are spending time preparing Winter Food or “Zimnica”.
This past week has been taken up with “Zimnica”.
Zimnica is a traditional activity in October and November here, in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
I have always felt like this was just something that rural families do, but it seems that even city dwellers in apartments, purchase vegetables etc and preserve the food in their own kitchens.
I have also been thinking that maybe, slowly, this tradition might be dying out. The new generations have become much much more consumer focussed.
The two videos above should, hopefully, give you an idea of what we get up to here at home.
Tamara's father prepared shredded cabbage that will be used as a salad, and also pickles whole cabbages, whose leaves will be used in making Sarma and other winter recipes.
We didn’t film the actual harvesting. Maybe something for next year perhaps?
This year, sad to say, our garden didn’t offer up as much produce as normal, mainly due, I think, to the extremes of late Spring and Summer temperatures that we experienced. To be honest it was scorching.
If you missed Tamara and me talking on the Podcast about Zimnica, you can listen below.
What does the country you are living in do, as far as Zimnica is concerned?
It would be great to find out 😀.
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Until our next post.
As ever stay safe wherever you are.
David and Tamara.
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