Hello and welcome to this edition of our Blog, from Čardačani, in the north of Bosnia and Herzegovina, written by an immigrant (me), as I am neither a tourist or a citizen here.
I am still in the UK (fly back home tomorrow).
I felt that a post from South Oxfordshire would be random, especially as I am spending quality time with family I don’t get to see often.
I’ll try and get a “normal” post though to you this coming Tuesday.
In the meantime enjoy my visit to the ćevap fest held in Banja Luka last weekend 😀
If you fancy making your own Banja Luka Ćevap, then check out Tamara’s master class ⬇️
Don’t forget that you can read back editions of the newsletter, listen to previous podcasts (we have quite an archive now), or catch other content, all this is available on the web interface, just like a regular blog.
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Tamara and I appreciate your faithful readership, your comments, and your generosity!
Until our next post.
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