Pohovani Pancakes
Yesterday, one of our friends, Predrag Tošić, (He's a celebrity chef in Banja Luka) . who runs a doughnut shop, selling the most amazing doughnuts, sent me a “Get Well” box!
I'm a foreigner. I've been living here in Bosnia and Herzegovina, for a good number of years now, in a village in the northwest of the country.
Now, in the last vlog and blogpost, I was saying about my broken ankle and not being very mobile, and I'm still not very mobile. It's five and a half weeks since I've snapped my ankle here in the massive garden that we've got. I was just, as you will have seen or read, mowing the lawn and I just slipped and it snapped.
I've got another week and a half to go before I'm going for another checkup, and they're going to take out a screw. I've got seven and a plate in my left ankle at the moment. They're going to take one of those out, and then we're going to start the physiotherapy.
I'm hoping that the local physiotherapist here in Banja Luka will let me document some of the physiotherapy. Let's hope they do. It would be cool to see, right?
I still can't get out and film at the moment. I don't feel confident on my crutches to be walking on grass at the moment, but I'm going to try that, maybe tomorrow or the next day.
We've just launched a Facebook group. We've got about 37 members on it at the moment, somewhere around there, and it's private and it's hidden, and maybe you might like to join us there.
If so drop us an email HERE.
We don't do politics or anything like that, ethnicity, but we just talk about the positives sides of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
For people that want to follow from within the country and the Balkans, and for people that have left and now live in other countries, I think it's a good way of keeping in touch with home. A good example of that was one of the people that follows us now lives in England. She comes from Banja Luka originally, having a conversation with Tamara about bands and groups and parties in the former Yugoslavia, before the conflict of the 1990s. We've also had a great discussion about Bosnian food, for example.
We are still getting beautiful weather here, the trees are still green, even though some of the leaves are starting to fall, so maybe we're going to have an early autumn.
We will be changing a little bit on the Vlog side, as we go forward. I'm hoping that we can post a vlog every Monday and every Thursday. I'll be working on a list of topics of things to see and do and about our daily life.
Yesterday, one of our friends, Predrag Tošić, (He's a celebrity chef in Banja Luka) . who runs a doughnut shop, selling the most amazing doughnuts, sent me a “Get Well” box!
How cool was that?
Safe to say they didn’t last long when they arrived here in the village.
So that's it for today. Stay safe wherever you are in these challenging times, and we'll catch you in the next post.